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Comprehensive Guide to Private Health Insurance in Spain for Foreigners
28 Jun 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Private Health Insurance in Spain for Foreigners


Spain is renowned for its excellent public healthcare system, which is free for all residents. However, many foreigners moving to Spain opt for private health insurance to gain access to additional medical services, shorter waiting times, and personalized care. In this post, we will explore the advantages of private health insurance in Spain and highlight some of the main insurance companies, such as DKV, Sanitas, Asisa, and Adeslas, that offer specialized services for expatriates.

Why Choose Private Health Insurance in Spain?

While the public healthcare system in Spain is highly regarded, there are several reasons why foreigners might prefer private health insurance:

  1. Reduced Waiting Times: In the public healthcare system, some specialties and treatments can have long waiting lists. Private insurance generally offers quicker access to consultations, tests, and treatments.
  2. Flexibility and Convenience: With private insurance, patients have more control over the choice of doctors and hospitals. This can be particularly useful for those who prefer to receive care in clinics with staff who speak their native language.
  3. Additional Coverage: Private insurance often includes services not covered by the public system, such as dental treatments, optical care, and alternative therapies.
  4. Personalized Care: Private insurers often provide a more personalized approach, with private rooms in hospitals and closer, more efficient treatment.

Main Companies for Private Health Insurance in Spain

DKV Seguros

DKV is one of the most recognized health insurance companies in Spain, especially popular among expats. They offer a wide range of health plans that can be tailored to the specific needs of foreigners. Some of the advantages of DKV include:

  • Extensive Network of Providers: DKV has a vast network of doctors and hospitals across Spain.
  • International Coverage: Many of their plans include coverage outside of Spain, ideal for those who travel frequently.
  • Multilingual Customer Service: DKV offers customer service in multiple languages, making communication easier for foreigners.
  • Digital Services: Through their mobile app, policyholders can manage their medical appointments, consult their policies, and access telemedicine services.


Sanitas is another popular option, known for its focus on innovation and technology. They offer personalized plans and a wide range of additional services. Some of the advantages of Sanitas include:

  • Own Network of Clinics: Sanitas has its own network of clinics and hospitals, ensuring a consistent quality of care.
  • Telemedicine Services: Through their app, policyholders can conduct online medical consultations, which is very convenient.
  • Wellness and Preventive Programs: Sanitas offers specific wellness and disease prevention programs, helping policyholders maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Dental Coverage: Many plans include dental coverage, which can be a great benefit for policyholders.


Asisa stands out for its own network of hospitals and clinics, ensuring quality control and uniform service. They offer plans with comprehensive coverage and reimbursement options. Some of the advantages of Asisa are:

  • Own Network of Facilities: By owning its hospitals and clinics, Asisa ensures a high standard of medical care.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: They offer plans with very comprehensive coverage from primary care to specialties and hospitalization.
  • Reimbursement of Medical Expenses: Asisa's plans allow reimbursement of medical expenses if choosing doctors outside their network.
  • Personalized Care: Asisa provides close and personalized treatment, reflected in high customer satisfaction.


Adeslas, part of the Mutua Madrileña group, is one of the largest providers of health insurance in Spain. They offer flexible plans with various coverage options and access to a vast network of medical professionals. Some of the advantages of Adeslas include:

  • Large Network of Providers: Adeslas has one of the largest networks of doctors and medical centers in Spain.
  • Flexible Plans: They offer a variety of plans that can be tailored to individual and family needs.
  • Additional Services: Adeslas includes additional services such as dental insurance, wellness services, and prevention programs.
  • Experience and Stability: As part of Mutua Madrileña, Adeslas has a solid reputation and experience in the insurance sector.

How to Choose the Right Private Health Insurance?

When selecting private health insurance in Spain, it's important to consider several factors:

  1. Coverage and Exclusions: Carefully review what the insurance covers and what the exclusions are. Ensure the plan matches your specific needs.
  2. Network of Providers: Check the network of doctors and hospitals included in the plan. It's convenient to choose an insurer with a wide network for more care options.
  3. Cost and Deductibles: Analyze the cost of premiums and any applicable deductibles. Make sure the plan is affordable in the long term.
  4. Reviews and Reputation: Research reviews from other users and the reputation of the insurer. This will give you an idea of the quality of service you can expect.


Private health insurance in Spain can offer numerous advantages, especially for foreigners seeking quicker and more personalized medical care. Companies such as DKV, Sanitas, Asisa, and Adeslas are well-positioned to meet the needs of expats, providing flexible plans and multilingual services. When considering your options, ensure you carefully evaluate your healthcare needs and the features of each plan to make the best decision.

We hope this guide has been helpful and wish you the best of luck in your new life in Spain!
